About Us
Our band was founded in the summer of 1991 (Atanáz Pásztor & Árpád Vezse). The 3rd member of the group has been replaced from time to time by another friend of us. Our friend Szabolcs Milotai has stayed longest with us, but the core duo band remained the two founder musicians. At that time we were all 16. We have been brought up in the East Hungarian City, Nyíregyháza, and we keep our unbreakable connection with this beautiful place.
We, as many others of our age, were fun's of the 80's sinthy-pop music. Our weekly meeting point was the local alternative music club.
We wanted to compose music in the similar style like our favorite bands. Those days there were only a few groups featuring that kind of music. Our desire was to touch the heart of the music-lover young people. Coming from the eastern regions of Hungary is not the simplest task to get into the music circle of the capital's bands.
Our first appearances on stage were in different music clubs at Nyíregyháza (Depeche Mode Club, Postás). Through the years we appeared on the music stages of the neighboring cities. We gained a lot of success. The biggest trial for our duo was taking part of the 'competition of young talents' in 1992. The series started from the neighboring big city, Debrecen. As we have won the quarter-final we had to travel to Budapest. The semi-final took place in the Budapest Sport Hall. Our debut on stage in front of 15 thousand spectators happened not missing stage fright. We returned home with full of exciting experiences but not passing into the final.
We can date back to the start of our duo's relatively passive period to 1994 which lasting till today. By featuring new songs we hope that we can leave our mark in the Hungarian music life.
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